You are a Tool Enema

You wanted a blog about you for a long time so here you go tool man , you want to say nasty things about me , and call me a cunt i dont give a fuck what you think of me , and im sure this blog wont even phase you a bit , but im going to tell you something and i hope you listen to my advice.

You sharing other womens pictures that trusted you, that you probably wacked off to many times , ( i hope you didnt use your good fishing socks ) .

Im really surprised that these hard core liberal women still even chat with you , with their women power bullshit , i dont need a man .. blah blah blah .

My advice to you is , calm down, your sarcasm and hate for some of these women , will cause you an ulcer and its not worth it , im sure they dont like you either and you harboring hate or dislike isnt doing you any good. So just chill and laugh and relax. We all been through some shit you are not the only one .

On another note i see your snide remarks in the room longlashes just cause i dont address them i still see them , im trying to let you say what you want without a rebuttal from me ( your welcome ) . Just an observation you have changed , you become exactly what you hate in others , and that is very sad ,and im not talking about your remarks to me , but to others in the room .

.****** When the High Road is flooded grab a Floatie **********

I say Yes , what do you say ?

And this sums it up

Dr. Blogger xoxoxo

Author: Julesblogbiteme

love me or hate me im here to stay

19 thoughts on “You are a Tool Enema”

  1. What????!!!

    You blogged this about me??!!!!

    How dare you!!! Who the hell do you think YOU are!!!???

    I didn’t ask to be freaking blogged, you hussy!

    No seriously…who is tool man?


    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s clue there, Sherlock..If you need another, here’s a freebie; He’s definitely a Master Baiter. Go Fish!!!!


      1. I need more clues to figure out who the dick is!! *throws myself on the floor in true drama queen fashion*


    1. I know you weren’t talking about me, Triumph. I will straight have all of my dogs poop on & in everything you own, skippy.

      Liked by 1 person

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