
The tracks on her arm were in shapes of hearts

she just noticed , she smiled

not the kind of smile , that lights up a room

but a weak smile of knowing it wont be long

on the table in front of her pills, liquid courage,needles and some left over

pixie dust from the weekend

She often played the russian roulette game, of will today be the day

What drug of choice will cause her death , cause her demise

As she shook the bottle pills , and poured them on the table

separating the colors

in nice little piles

as her OCD kicked in

A movie of her life played within her mind

fucked up as it was

she had no regrets

As she pulled the trigger

to forget

written by Dr. Blogger ( painterofwords)

**never let todays heartaches cause you to do something you cant take back ***

Author: Julesblogbiteme

love me or hate me im here to stay

4 thoughts on “DArkness”

  1. This is good.

    It enlightens people that each track may represent the path of each tear within oneself, covered by the scars of needles and pills.

    Nobody realizes what someone’s soul may truly be until they die…and that’s is extremely sad.

    And some don’t even need drugs, pills or the bottle. Some just end it as an unsolved mystery.

    Such was the case in a friend a little over 2 years ago…we still don’t know why.

    This is why I hold nothing back on how I feel…I want people to always know…even if I am screaming and rarely whispering.

    People need to be less guarded so this doesn’t happen.

    Oh…and yes. Gun control would help.


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