A Pattern of Turmoil

I see a pattern, I’m not talking about the ugly curtain pattern that your Great Aunt had in her tearoom or the pattern on the kitchen floor … or the pattern that makes your eyes see 3d …..

Im talking about lashes and nanciii pattern, the daily trying to break me, make me feel some type of way with their words they type, perhaps they want me to cry? or feel sorry for myself? or perhaps they want me to have a mental breakdown and stop blogging? Who the fuck knows .. See I tried a truce with both of them (I really did) (they both broke it) because their dislike for me defines them, makes them feel good, gives them some kind of voodoo energy. It’s weird to me ..

Back to the pattern *** If someone doesn’t like me ** they befriend them … start defending them … perhaps add them to their list of #friends, If I defend someone and they know it was wrong what happen to this person I’m in the wrong and I’m being horrible , If I don’t proofread and leave a grammar / typo / missssssssssss Spellin of a wood(smirk) they will correct it call me stupid say I’m uneducated , etc etc. ( this includes people they disliked or still dislike).

But what do I expect from liars who say one thing and do another there is a pattern there I would list some, but I don’t feel like listening to the lies and inconsistencies. (Wow I used a big word).

If I say I’m joking, sarcasm, smartass .. etc etc I get told those are excuses for my behavior, sometimes I don’t even bother commenting on their bullshit, because it’s like a rattlesnake spitting venom.

So perhaps the pattern can be broken here, and we can change the wallpaper from the ugly worn out dingy to a bright and sunny wallpaper .. is that asking too much?


My opinion on all of this Stop being a Douche not the kind of douche that makes you fresh but the kind of douche you get at the dollar store that is covered in dust and the ingredients has separated but you try to use it anyways and you end up smelling like yesterday’s shit you had after eating taco bell. ***


Dr. Blogger xoxo

Don’t forget to check out the other bloggers and don’t forget to follow so you never miss a blog ***



Author: Julesblogbiteme

love me or hate me im here to stay

33 thoughts on “A Pattern of Turmoil”

  1. Oh my flipping Lord, it seems the only mature ones here are Jules, Danny and Kimmie. Nancy and Julie, this is not a good look for either of you. You put forth an ICBMs worth of bluster and then when called out, you put forth a defense of a whimpering firecracker. I mean, tell me you’re freaking crying without saying you’re crying. Let’s be honest. Nancy, no matter what the blog entry…you always deflect the problem to Danny. And Julie? While you are fighting windmills in your sleep, you blame Jules for putting them there. If you both don’t want to be blogged? Cut out the freaking attitude. It’s not like Jules comes at you with her statements..she’s using your words!!!!

    And if she’s not a painter of words, why in hippity he** would either of you revisit a museum every day that you can’t stand? Every. Day. I watched Cujo once. It scared me..i won’t watch it again.

    But you come here every day. And you respond! Multiple times! Emotionally! Passionately!

    And she’s not a painter of words?

    She’s freaking DaVinci in your heads.

    And deep down you know and resent it…because in her craft, she is thriving and both of you are stagnating…sad.

    Liked by 1 person

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