Wire Magazine Rack

First this is an old magazine that was reprinted get your copy now if you missed it last time .

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Dr. Blogger❤️💋

“”Learn to laugh and enjoy life “””

Author: Julesblogbiteme

love me or hate me im here to stay

17 thoughts on “Wire Magazine Rack”

  1. Is that Vivs in the mouse ears? The bearded lady has to be paint which explains the face mask 😅 I could guess a few more but I’m in a great mood ha


  2. I’m laughing at you. You had to check to see if I deleted my account. Why did you doubt that I wouldn’t? Because I didn’t do it in your time frame? I said I was going to, and I did. I also laughed because you think I did it as some kind of gift to you. You’re not that important. By the way the reason Moses didn’t get to enter the promised (not promise) land and only got to see it was because he took credit for striking the rock that gave those Israelites the water they were complaining about not having, instead of giving credit to God. So maybe the next time you talk about something biblical, you might want to know what you’re talking about. Keep thinking I’m Paulina, it highlights your obsessive ignorance.


    1. maybe next time you will see the humor in what I said .. i know the reason he didnt make it , I used that joke to poke at markhd for saying the bible was a fairytale and that men dont ask for directions lol. .. so quit focusing only on what I say and see the room as a whole .. and yes ty for the early bday gift ** smirk .. you know you did it for me .. I know the bible more than you think .. it wasn’t a bible lesson I was giving at that moment FYI .
      lmao @ Paulina i love her she is quiet ..
      knocking over your soapbox and handing you a pacifer.


      1. Of course you know the Bible. Explain to me what Jesus meant when he said in The Lords Prayer: let you kingdom come. What is the kingdom he’s talking about? Can you tell me what it is. I’ll wait. If you know your Bible the answer should be easy.


      2. you know what this reminds me of ? when the devil told Jesus in the wilderness to command this stone to be bread, throw yourself over the mountain and God will send his angels to protect you ……. etc etc … I don’t need to prove my faith to you, or what I know, if I need to pull scripture out of a hat I can .. but I choose to use Gods words to help people not to scold them.
        I know what it means but I refuse to play your game, because I know where it is coming from, and even if I did say the correct answer, you would only say I googled it.
        I stand on solid ground while you are on sinking sand.


  3. If you truly think you are using Gods word to help people you sure have a disgusting way of doing it. How is calling someone a cunt bitch whore or implying that backseat has a sexual connotation helping anyone? Your non answer to my question is the only answer I need. Jesus said to preach the good news of the kingdom. Are you doing that? Or do you just listen to a sermon on Sunday then continue the nasty name calling. Your world is anything but solid. My faith is built on rock not sand. Bye Felicia 🙄


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